Let’s Take Care About Suncare!
Discover our range of testing on solar, always updated and now more competitive.
Complife is an international group at the forefront in the field of testing solar products and photoprotection in general. The company has many years of experience in Suncare, ranking among the top players at European level.
In particular, the Sun Protection Factor Assessment (SPF) is a key test that the Group has always invested in and will increasingly invest in.
Behind the crucial importance attached to this analysis is the awareness of its real key significance from the point of view of consumer safety.
The relevant scientific literature documents that solar products, in addition to preventing sunburn after exposure to sunlight, have several applications:
- combating the damage caused by photoageing
- in protecting against photo-immunosuppression
- in preventing certain types of skin cancer (European Commission Recommendation 2006/647/EC)
COMPLIFE GROUP is committed to offering its customers a wide range of tests within Suncare starting from the evaluation of the sun protection factor in its different declinations, providing their experience and expertise as a valid support and constantly updated. Skin photobiology studies and SPF detection tests play a key role in placing increasingly safe and effective products on the market.
In our department of skin photobiology the efficacy of the products is evaluated with different methods involving in vivo, ex vivo or in vitro study protocols, such as:
- In vivo SPF value assessment tests in accordance with ISO 24444, FDA, COLIPA and AS/NZS
- Determination of the in vitro UVA protection factor
- Assessment of water resistance
- Phototoxicity and photoirritation
- Protection against blue and infrared light
- Antioxidant and soothing properties
- Quantification of UV filters
- Studies on stability
In Complife clinics we are used to thinking globally, acting locally.
Again, this approach translates into the faithful application of international rules and regulations, in order to evaluate the product according to the standards provided by the local and/or international market, according to the needs of the customer.
In this perspective, Complife Group is pursuing a process of adaptation to the new ISO24444:2019 guideline dedicated to the evaluation of the SPF in vivo (for more information see the link https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:24444:ed-2:v1:en).
Complife is enrolled in the program of proficiency test (BIPEA) for the evaluation of the SPF placing itself among the most performing and qualified laboratories in the sector: a recognition of the quality of the proposed tests and transparency of the results obtained.
The Group has experienced and competent people in the field of =testing solar products=, both from the technical point of view and executive consultancy in the interpretation of the data, even when different from expectations, proposing alternative support solutions.
We actively participate in working groups for the drafting of international guidelines and present speeches of high technical and informative content.
It is really essential the attention of Complife towards the volunteers participating in the studies: the ethical aspect aimed at protecting the safety of the subjects is primary, especially in this type of analysis.
An efficient industrialization process on the experimental part involving solar testing, in conjunction with the adaptation to the new ISO, makes Complife Group more competitive on the market, while maintaining the high quality standards.
Consult our Suncare experts and let yourself be guided to discover a complete and competitive offer.